Dental Exam & Cleaning in Canoga Park

Dental Exam & Cleaning - Eton Dental, Canoga Park Dentist
Prevention is the best defense against cavities and infections, but eating right and practicing proper dental hygiene is not enough to keep your mouth healthy. Professional dental cleanings should be done regularly for a thorough inspection of your teeth and gums and to clean hard to reach areas in the mouth.

During the cleaning we will remove plaque, tartar, and polish your teeth. Over time, plaque, a sticky layer of bacteria, builds up on the teeth close to the gums. This leads to tooth decay and can cause inflammation of the gums. At the end of the cleaning your teeth will be brushed and polished to help remove any stains.

Our dental cleanings include a process called scaling and root planing which utilizes a metal tool to rid your teeth's crowns and roots surfaces of tartar. Tartar, also referred to as calculus, cannot be removed with a toothbrush. It is the residue formed when plaque hardens on the teeth after being left for some time. Scaling and root planing provides more of a deep cleaning for your teeth and helps to prevent periodontal disease.

Dental cleanings should be performed at least every six months. Before leaving after your cleaning, be sure to schedule the next appointment, so you don't forget!